Friday, July 16, 2010

Today has been a full day so far -

The boys and Bp. Meyer went to the woods to finish collecting firewood for the campfire that we have every night during camp.

Esther and Tera accompanied Grace to the store to purchase food and supplies that we need.

Mandy, Tera and I spent time weeding the garden around the big house and Wolfgang helped clean up.

Bp. Sutton and Werner have continued working on the morning prayer/evening prayer services as well as the lessons. (
Werner on the services, Bp. on the lessons).

The songbook is almost finished.  I've spent the afternoon proofreading the songs, typing up the copyright information, transferring copies of the hymns and formatting it all in the booklet.  Last night I copied all of the music for the binder I will use to play from and Mandy cut the outsides of the booklets this afternoon.  I feel accomplished!

Roy, Nils and Vanessa - Germans who were previously campers - might come tomorrow.  I look forward to seeing them!

1 comment:

  1. haha. I am excited that you will see Vanessa and that the song books are proof-read & hopefully no mistakes at all! :) Although in the past it has been kind of funny. I miss Gerhard and Grace also.
    Work is good. Grace is no longer at the pool. The lifeguards as a whole presented a letter to mrs. Monger and the board with the issues with Grace outlined and our concerns. Camille, Philip and Jeremy met with my dad tonight over other concerns.
    Otherwise, life is great! I miss you tons. :) Praying hard.
