Sunday, July 25, 2010

Praise Reports/Prayer Requests

Aside from giving you the schedule, I'd like to highlight some spiritual events.

Sonja and Mattias - These two have particularly been on my heart. Sonja is ten and Mattias is probably eleven or twelve. Neither speak very good English, but both have worked very hard to fit in and learn words. There countenances (especially Sonja's) have brightened since they arrived. Both of them desire to be baptized, but there stepfather is not a Christian and neither is there mom, which makes a difficult family situation. We prayed all week about possible baptizing them during the service today, but Bp. Meyer talked to their stepfather and thought it best to wait until the fall. They were anointed and prayed over during the service (though Mattias had disappeared - I'm not sure where he was). Sadly, both of them left today. Please pray for them as they return to their old circumstances of living in a nonChristian home (aside from their grandmother) - and ask that the things they've heard this week will grow in their hearts. Pray their whole family receives Christ.

Micha - Micha is sixteen and though his family is Christian, I found out today that he is not baptized. I talked with him later and he said that his parents believe in believer's baptism and that he had not yet decided. Our talk got cut short but he said he was finishing his bible school at his church soon. I think maybe he'll decide after that? I'm not sure but will try to follow up with him. Please pray he'll choose Christ and be baptized soon. Also - he struggles with being persecuted at school for being a Christian.

Tolga - Tolga is a seventeen year old Turkish boy. I do not think he is yet a Christian and I think he has some muslim background, though he denies that he is Muslim. He has been here ever since I came and he really wanted to come back this year, which I think is a good sign. Pray for his salvation.

Hannah - as I told you, Hannah's mom was diagnosed with cancer. A praise report: her first treatment went really well. She did not have any of the bad side affects which is a direct answer to prayer. I think she may have had a bad day recently, but cancer is a long road, so please just keep praying for her.

Christin - has a big exam coming up which makes her nervous.

Travelers - Mrs. Sutton, Roy, Jan, Sabi and their little boy are coming on Tuesday to camp.

Lukas - he is participating more in the discussions and hasn't skipped in several days! He knows a lot about church, but it is just not personal. He also shared with me that he struggles with his dad because his dad is overdramatic and makes a fuss about everything to the point that Lukas begins to ignore him.

Other praise reports: more campers attended chapel the other morning and one of our own faithful campewho has been coming for the past 6 years gave the teaching!

On a side note, something that keeps coming up is an event called the "Love Parade" - a fest of everyone getting drunk and partying, etc. that takes place throughout the entire year in Germany. It's interesting because the man that sat next to me on one of the plane rides told me all about it and said I should I go. He is not a Christian - please pray for him, his name is Steve. But I found out yesterday that there was riot at the Love Parade and 19 were trampled to death and around 340 were injured. I just read an article that they are no longer allowed to have the parade. And Vanessa's friend, Lucas, was there preaching the gospel and two people were saved - praise God! Please keep this whole even in your prayers. Germany has forsaken God in many ways - many of the churches are empty. May their hearts be revived for the Lord.

Ok, that's quite a long post. Camp ends on Tuesday and we have an all-day outing tomorrow so you can pray that goes well too :)

You have no idea how encouraging it is to know you are all praying for us! I could not do this without you.

God bless,

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