Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Last Days...

Yesterday we had an all-day outing.  A bus arrived to pick everyone up around 9 AM and we drove to castle nearby.  Some of us took cable cars up the mountain to the castle and we all met at the top where we walked to the castle.  After enjoying the view, we had morning prayer and then returned to the bus.

Then we stopped at a dam that was bombed by Britain in 1943 during World War 2.  It was very neat.  After that we went to a lake and canoed for about an hour.  Then we went to Fritzlar where we saw a statue of St. Boniface standing on a tree stump holding a small chapel in his hand.  During his life, he cut down a tree that was dedicated to a German god and used the wood to build the first chapel in the town where the tree was.  There was also a cathedral that we toured where St. Boniface was buried.

Afterwards we went shopping and stopped for a mid-day snack. We returned to Knull Camp around six and had dinner at six thirty.

Last night we watched "The Mission" with Rober De Niro as another example of people giving up their lives for the Gospel.  It was very interesting and I have a lot of thoughts about it...  The theology of the priests is not totally something I agree with, but it was good to think about.

Today is the last day of camp!  This morning we had our last teachings.  Bishop Sutton and Fr. Miller finished summarizing their material.  A girl came whose name is Dorothy - she is a neighbor of Bp. Meyer and Grace.  Esther met her last year and then ran into the other evening and asked her to join us.  It was exciting to see her here.  She is a Christian and so is her family, but they are not currently attending church - you could pray that they would get plugged in somewhere! 

This afternoon we do not have a regular schedule.  Tonight is talent night where everyone performs or does something showing their various talents.  Then, Mandy and Tera put together a play in which most of the campers are participating.  It is about the crucifixion.  First, we will have the talent show and then a big dinner (with steaks!), then we will have the play about the cross and afterwards Bp. Meyer is going to lead us through the stations of the cross that he has set up around the big building.  We will all head to the campfire for some reflection on the camp - what stuck out to us and meant something to us - in hopes to encourage one another.  We will probably also have some singing and then will hang out until people decide to go to bed.

Should be a fun evening!

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