Sunday, July 25, 2010

Latest Update

I have so many things running through my head right now - it's been a long but very fruitful weekend and I am tired!

To pick up where I left off...

On Friday, we ... oh my goodness, I can't even remember what happened on Friday!  I do know that evening several others (who are old timers): Nils, Vanessa, Malte and Anna.  Malte and Anna were just married last Saturday and are spending a little vacation time here with us!  Christin arrived on Saturday (it is so great to see her and Vanessa in particular!). 

Friday night, we had a special time at the campfire (ok, now it's coming back to me).  That afternoon we spent time writing down all of the sins that seem to plague us, or ones that we can't seem to feel released from.  Then on Friday night, Bishop Sutton spoke to us about the forgiveness and grace of Christ.  We then threw our papers into the fire and he read to us the Absolution of Sins as well as the Comfortable Words.  I hope that it was impacting for the campers.  We then sat and sang worship songs/hymns. 
Earlier that evening I gave my testimony - I felt like it fit in and God was leading me to share it at that time.  I spoke of how burdened I become sometimes about doing everything perfectly and how I have struggled with self-condemnation.  Thanks be to God, He has done a work in my life to assure me that God is greater than my heart that condemns me and that Christ has truly forgiven me for all things - not by any merit of mine.  And I have had such a freedom that I have never had before.

Yesterday, our group was obviously bigger, which was nice.  That afternoon, we played kickball and ultimate frisbee - so much fun!!!  I think and hope everyone had a good time. 

The theme of the camp has now shifted from Christ and His sacrifice for us to picking up our cross and following Him.  The phrase Bp. Sutton has used is "Sacrifice Provokes Sacrifice", stating that when someone gives us a gift, our response is usually one of wanting to return the gesture.  The same should be true of us for Christ - we should desire to pour out our lives for Him when we truly begin to fathom how He gave His entire self for us.  It was a really great teaching.

That afternoon we made Black Forest Cherry Cake (I know how to say it in German, but not write it!) and had a special party for Malte and Anna after the evening teaching.  It was nice -Vanessa gave a toast. 

Afterwards, we all watched "End of the Spear"  - a video about Jim Elliott, Nate Saint and other missionaries who gave up their lives to preach the gospel to an Indian group in South America. 


Today we had Holy Communion with Bp. Meyer's church as well as all of the campers.  I played the piano alongside his daughter who played the liturgical music (which was nice since it was all in German).

We had a great meal, took naps and went to a place called Lake Silbersee, where you can do anything from paddleboat and swim to ride a roller coaster type ride and eat ice cream.  It was nice.  Bp. Meyer and I ran back to the Knuell which was pretty painful, but now I can take off tomorrow.  We didn't have any teachings today, but this evening we went to the campfire and sang worship songs (with Tolga on guitar) and Vanessa shared her testimony.

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