Sunday, August 22, 2010


Hello Everyone,

If you all would like to see pictures, you can click on the link to these albums.  I will adding more to the tour album - it isn't finished yet.

Pre-English Camp:

English Camp Album, Take 1:

English Camp Album, Take 2:

Talent Night & Tour:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our Last Goodbyes

It has been awhile since I wrote last because we left for tour last Friday after camp had ended.  I had the opportunity to travel with my friend, Vanessa (who visited several of us in the states this past June), and left with her last Wednesday (July 28).  She and I went to her house where I visited her and her family.  While I was gone, the rest of the team and some campers which stayed spent time moving all the kitchen utensils and food, etc. out of the kitchen so that the music camp which starts this Saturday could bring in their cook and set up their things.  Grace has been very busy as she had another group here after English camp and is preparing for the music camp which had around 500 people here when I came in 2008. 

Vanessa and I met the team in Heidelberg for the Evensong service.  It went very, very well.  Unfortunately, the pastor was sick and unable to attend, but Bishop Meyer, Bishop Sutton and Werner Heissenhuber led the service.  Beforehand, we all walked through the streets and passed out flyers for the service.  A few people came (in addition to others from the church)!  I was prepared to play the piano but ended up playing the organ (in a cathedral-like church, St. Peterskirche) when we discovered there was no piano!  It was intimidating at first, but all went smoothly and it was a great experience.  We had great fellowship with the people from the church afterwards and we all went out to a nice restaurant afterwards.  It was great fun and we were serenaded by a young lady who played the piano quite well.  (We were also serenaded by some German men who began singing some German anthems.)

We returned from tour last night and I got to see a friend from music camp who is here setting up, Laurin.  He helped me lead music at English camp back in 2007. 

Hopefully I can write more about our tour later, but tonight we are going the The Schnitzel Place for a final meal together with Bishop Meyer and Grace.  We leave tomorrow morning around 5:45 so please pray for our travels.  It will be sad saying goodbye, but the Lord has done a great work and the mission here will continue to be in our prayers!

God bless you all - thanks for reading my blog and praying for all of us!


p.s. I will try to also figure out how to upload pictures.  The past few times I've tried it has failed, but I spoke with my mom this afternoon and she has an idea of how I might be able to get it to work.  I'll keep you posted in the days ahead.