Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And we're off - camp has begun!

So it's been a few days...

Friday and Saturday was more preparation as well as going to see the army camp on the west side of Germany that overlooked the east side and made sure they did not make any advancements.  It was fascinating.

Sunday was extremely busy.  At ten we had a communion service with the church that Bp. Meyer pastors, so we did the whole service in German.  Since I have come for a couple years now, playing the piano went much more smoothly (listening for cues in German isn't always the easiest, but by God's grace can be done!)

After church, us girls began to clean the rooms and bathrooms because the other group that had been here (the Russian Germans) moved their stuff out to leave.  The boys started grilling our lunch.  When lunch was ready and cleaning was done, we all ate lunch with the Germans from Bp. Meyer's church.  It was a sweet time - we ate on the patio and had a time where we shared testimonies.  Bp. Meyer had the Americans introduce themselves so the Germans could get to know us.  Also, some of our friends from past camps, Nils and Roy came and ate with us.

After lunch we decorated and got ready for the campers who arrived that afternoon.  Once all the campers were here, we helped them move in and played volleyball until dinner time.  After dinner we started our program - introducing everyone, going over the camp theme and rules and playing ice breakers.  Then we went to the campfire for a bit before going on a night hike through the woods.  Needless to say, I crashed into bed that night and had no problem getting to sleep!

Monday we hit the ground running beginning with morning chapel at 8 and breakfast at 8:30.  We began the morning teaching with praise music and Bp. Sutton gave his first teaching about what the cross represents.  We broke for lunch and some free time and then met again for discussion groups.  Our group was good, though I think we were all a little tired.  But the girls seemed to have picked up on what Bp. Sutton was saying.  Feedback from the other groups was that they went really well.

That afternoon we taught the Germans how to play baseball (a camp favorite).  Some had never played but thought it was great fun.  I was able to go running afterwards (I'm trying to stay on top of training for a half-marathon).  Then we had dinner at 6 and afterwards started the evening session which consisted of more praise music and a short version of evening prayer.  I think the liturgy is new to many of the Germans, but one of them afterwards said he thought it was really cool that we said the Lord's prayer.  I hope they begin to appreciate it more and more as camp goes on.  Fr. Miller from New Jersey arrived safely yesterday afternoon and gave us an introduction last night to his teachings about Evolution and the supremacy of the Bible.  I really enjoy his teaching style and the points he made were very good.

We had a campfire again last night with cookies and juice and then went to bed around midnight.  I was thankful for a nap this morning after the first session!

Prayer Requests:

- Wolfgang, a hired hand at Knull, is working at turning his life around.  At age 50, he has given his life to the Lord.  He has had a difficult past but works hard and has been to every morning prayer at the chapel.

 - Sonja and Mattias - two very young campers (their parents live here at Knull) who have only had 1-2 years of English.  They do not understand much, but I pray the camp is very impacting for them.  Sonja is only 10.

 - Hannah - a camper who found out only 2 weeks ago that her mother has cancer.  Her mother's birthday is today.

 - Lukas - a 17 year old camper.  I think he has been in church all his life and "knows it all" already, but he is really wandering in his own personal relationship with Christ.  Pray that God would use this camp to awaken him to his need for the cross and forgiveness for his own sins.

I would write more but it is time for discussion groups.  I hope all is well at home - I miss everyone very much!  Thank you so much for your prayers - the Lord is using them and they are a blessing to me.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this all sounds wonderful!
    There is so much power in worship-maybe during free hours you could sing some of the favorites. We did that once the year I was there and I always wished we had more time for "free" worship songs.
    I've been praying for you!
